Sunday, June 29, 2008

Fiona recently could tell us that she needs to poo poo. She would yell for "toilet bowl" if it is time for poo poo. Toilet training Fiona for that was a breeze. I never expect her to be able to do it so soon. I remembered that Aaron only managed to do that at the age of 3 yr 3 mth during our trip to Korea... must thank the Koreans for their super clean and comfortable toilet :p

I know many parents r sending their tods to extra lessons ...but with Arianne's needs to take care and logistics issues, unfortunately, I couldn't. It is not that I dont want to but with 3 kids, logistics is a big issue n it's really so tiring to take care of all 3 of them.
However, during these 2 mths of my maternity leave, I feel that Fiona had picked up quite a lot. She had learnt quite a few nursery rymthes, could name the vegetables on the flash cards, recite her A-Z, 1 to 10 in English and Mandarin. I'm trying to teach her colours and reading 1 - 10 but everytime I ask her "what is this?", she asks me back the same question :(

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